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Guildford 01483 310440 | Tolworth 020 3146 6882

Debunking Common Nutrition Myths

Telling fact from fiction in the nutrition world these days is akin to trying to see in the dark. The information out there is confusing...

HiM and Crossfit

CrossFit is a form of exercise that combines strength and conditioning. Its movements are designed to be functional to improve your resilience in everyday life.

Finding Nutritional Balance

Cultivating nutritional balance is important for our physical and emotional wellbeing. 

Runners, Listen Up!

Welcome to April! We all hope you had a really great Easter weekend and got some rest in.

Master Injury-Free Golf!

This year’s Golf Masters starts today, so it’s a good time to look at the common injuries that face golfers, how they can be treated and...

International Womens’ Day – Sex Biases in Medical Care

On International Women’s Day, it’s important to acknowledge societal strides in gender equality. 

The (Many) Roles of Protein

Nutrition plays an important part in helping us perform well, both physically and mentally.

Tis the season! – finding balance in December

December can be a difficult time for those of us with health goals to meet.

Ultrasound Diagnostics – how can it help you?

At Health in Motion, we are dedicated to providing our patients with the highest standard of care.

Hip Abductors – What are they & how do I strengthen them?

Low Back Pain Exercises

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

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