Ankle Pain
Ankle Pain
Here at Health in Motion we see lots of ankle injuries, most commonly ankle inversion sprains, achilles tendonitis and associated plantarfascitis. With a close association to local running clubs and high-level gymnasts we see a higher volume that your average high street clinic but with our expert precision ultrasound diagnostics and functional movement screening we are well adept to provide you with the diagnosis and treatment that you deserve.
In many instances, the initial phase of managing an ankle injury can include classic first aid techniques but recent research has shown the benefit to early loading in the right circumstances to both speed up and improve overall success in rehabilitation. Our practitioners are experts in assessing your ankle injury and can advise exactly which movements will be safe to reintroduce and when. This can most importantly aid proprioceptive feedback which will reduce the likelihood of repeat occurrences going forward.
In our elite training facilities we can provide a functional return to activity in a sport-specific environment for runners on the treadmill and gymnasts on the gym floor. Achieving this under the watchful eye of our expert healthcare practitioners is a great confidence boost to return to the sport that you love!